An endocannabinoid journey
There are over 120 discovered cannabinoids in cannabis, but also in pepper, clove, cinnamon & chocolate! Read more and take yourself on a journey through our endocannabinoid system.
CBD đ„ fördel eller nackdel?
CBD - DjÀvulens onda Cannabis gift?   NÀr vi tÀnker pÄ cannabis kommer klara bilder upp av en narkotisk drog som bara har medicinska effekter som anvÀnds i ovanliga och allvarliga fall. Som sedan ocksÄ endast bör och kan fÄs genom recept frÄn din lÀkare. Eftersom att Marijuana Àr marijuana oavsett om det Àr CBD eller THC, allt Àr samma - eller hur?  Innan vi gÄr in pÄ denna frÄga sÄ vill jag konstigt nog prata om flugor. Flugor klassar vi generellt som smutsiga, de innehÄller substanser som skadar oss mÀnniskor. Om nÄgon nu med den vetskapen skulle fÄ höra att flugor kan hjÀlpa dig...
Can CBD help with cancer?
Use of cannabis in medicine Medical cannabis has strong anti-cancer properties and is made from single-origin EU-certified hemp plants that are specially bred for high CBD and low THC levels. These contain the two most important cannabinoids, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which are responsible for the healing properties of cannabis and are among the main cannabinoids in the hemp plant. In some cases, a higher dose of THC may be required, but in general the medical community prefers CBD due to its lack of psychoactivity. Synthetic drugs with cannabinoids There are now some drugs for the treatment of cancer...
People who suffer from ADHD are increasingly being prescribed psychostimulants, which not only can create a strong dependency, but studies have shown that they can even cause aggressiveness, depression and psychotic disorders. Herbal remedies could also be used naturally for ADHD. Can so-called CBD (cannabidiol) oil work with ADHD? In this post you can read to what extent the CBD oil obtained from hemp plants could work against ADHD. Drug treatment for ADHD In Sweden, psychostimulants have been prescribed for ADHD since 2002. Including the well-known Ritalin and similar drugs. These drugs have sparked a major debate about side effects,...